The case of the (still) mysterious Universe

Over the past 100 years, physics has advanced our understanding of nature to an unimaginable degree. The fundamental laws governing many of the building blocks of the Universe have been discovered, and the evolution of the Universe can be traced back 13.8 billion years to almost the beginning: the Big Bang.

Physicists have built laboratories spanning tens of kilometres to study nature at the smallest scales and sent telescopes into space to gather information about different forms of matter and energy. How much do we still not know about the Universe? What mysteries remain to be solved?

During the event, you were taken on a journey through space, time, and the history of ideas in modern physics: what we know and what we do not know. Through the eyes of renowned physicists, you were exposed to some of the greatest mysteries of the Universe. Why is there more matter than antimatter? What are dark energy and dark matter? How can we unify all the forces? What future experiments will reveal nature’s deepest secrets? Is the Universe made of vibrating strings? Is the Universe holographic? What are black holes made of? Could there be more than one Universe?

We were accelerated into a mind-boggling physics experience at CERN. Thank you for joining us for this fifth public event, held in collaboration with the Strings 2024 conference, celebrating the Laboratory’s 70th anniversary.

There was a live performance by the Orchestre des Nations of “Open Questions”, an original music piece for string orchestra by Domenico Vicinanza based on the sonification of scientific data, under the direction of Antoine Marguier.


Event recording