A series of anniversaries, from the creation of University of São Paulo to Brazil’s association with CERN, including the centenary of César Lattes, make 2024 a year in which Brazilian Physics celebrates its achievements.

The purpose of the symposium was to bring together researchers in the field of High Energy Physics and interested parties in general to look back on the past in order to recognize achievements and, with that, plan for the future.

The first day of the event was dedicated to discussions of general interest, mainly the celebration of the 100th birthday of César Lattes, a physicist who graduated in the early days of the University of São Paulo and who takes us back to the celebration of its 90th birthday. This day also featured discussions on topics that include the financing of major international experiments in High Energy Physics and the celebration of CERN’s 70th anniversary, especially Brazil’s participation in this laboratory research, such as Brazil’s recently approved association with CERN.

On the second and third days, in the morning, the emphasis was on the history of High Energy Physics in Brazil, once again celebrating the contributions of César Lattes. In the afternoon, there were meetings in smaller groups, organized by projects, and workshops for teachers, in which the aim was to discuss how to present the symposium’s themes to high school students.

A sizable attendance and participation of the Brazilian High Energy community and University students demonstrated the great success of the event.

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