
  • Coming together to celebrate CERN70

    Coming together to celebrate CERN70

    This year has seen a wealth of activities for CERN’s 70th anniversary. More is to still to come, including the CERN70 Community Event on 17 September CERN’s 70th anniversary is a remarkable milestone, and celebrations at CERN and across Member and Associate Member States have been taking place since the official launch in January 2024.…

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  • The end of the alphabet

    The end of the alphabet

    In 1983, CERN reached the end of the alphabet when the Laboratory announced the discovery of the long-sought W and Z particles. The announcement was so momentous that, the following year, the two scientists behind the discovery received the Nobel Prize in Physics. In 1984, Carlo Rubbia, the instigator of the conversion of the Super…

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  • A two-stage rocket

    A two-stage rocket

    In the early 1960s, when the Proton Synchrotron (PS) had just come into service, the scientific community was already thinking about a machine ten times more powerful. But a new accelerator could be built elsewhere, with a new laboratory. The project soon found itself the object of a diplomatic and financial deadlock. John Adams, the…

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