70 Years of CERN – Inspiration for the Future in Slovakia

The exhibition and lecture series, 70 Years of CERN – Inspiration for the Future, organised by the Committee for Cooperation between the Slovak Republic and CERN, targeted secondary school students and the general public. It took place in Bratislava on 10 and 11 June and in Košice from 19 to 21 June.

The exhibition featured large-scale posters and displays that introduced visitors to the fundamental concepts of particle physics, including the Higgs boson, particle accelerators and the development of advanced technologies with far-reaching societal benefits. The morning lecture sessions were tailored specifically to high-school students and their teachers. In addition to the talks, students observed fascinating physics experiments and participated in the construction of simple particle detectors, such as cloud chambers. The afternoon sessions were open to the public.

In Bratislava, on the evening of 10 June, a moderated discussion with CERN physicists took place, kicking off with a live virtual tour of the ATLAS detector. In Košice, a virtual tour of CERN’s Data Centre was conducted on the morning of 20 June, providing an engaging glimpse into the world of cutting-edge scientific research.

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