
In celebration of CERN’s 70th anniversary and the ICHEP 2024 conference, a unique project was organized that brought together art, movement, and particle physics. Participants were inspired by particle physics to create their own artwork or movement choreography, which was then exhibited at two prestigious venues: the Prague Conference Centre during the ICHEP2024 conference from 18 to 24 July, and at the Bethlem Chapel.

The project was led by Michael Hoch from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, in collaboration with several Czech particle physicists. Hoch, the founder of popularization programs such as art@CMS, ORIGIN, and Cultural Collisions, worked closely with painter Petra Buzková and choreographer Lucie Charouzová to guide the participants. The initiative also provided students with a broader scientific experience by including a CERN Virtual Visit and participation in the International Masterclasses project.

In addition to creating art, the project offered opportunities for discussions with leading particle physicists in the Czech Republic, bridging the gap between science and creativity in an engaging, interdisciplinary format.

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