Early beginnings

The first meeting of the provisional CERN Council. In the picture, from left to right: Sir Ben Lockspeiser, Edoardo Amaldi, Felix Bloch, Lew Kowarski, Cornelis Jan Bakker, Niels Bohr (at the back). (Image: CERN)
The first meeting of the provisional CERN Council. In the picture, from left to right: Sir Ben Lockspeiser, Edoardo Amaldi, Felix Bloch, Lew Kowarski, Cornelis Jan Bakker, Niels Bohr (at the back). (Image: CERN)

The first meeting of the CERN Council takes place at UNESCO in May 1952, with Swiss physicist Paul Scherrer in the chair. Among the other roles assigned at the meeting, Edoardo Amaldi is made Secretary-General of the provisional organisation.

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