
  • The heart of CERN’s accelerator chain

    The heart of CERN’s accelerator chain

    In 1957, CERN staff moved into the new buildings on the Meyrin site in Geneva, and the rooms were rapidly filled with equipment for the Proton Synchrotron (PS). By the end of July 1959, assembly of the PS – the accelerator is more than 600 metres in circumference! – was completed and, on 16 September,…

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  • Foundations for European science

    Foundations for European science

    François de Rose, a French diplomat, was involved in the creation of CERN. In 2004, he still remembered the first discussions that ultimately led to the birth of the Organization In the aftermath of the Second World War, a handful of visionary scientists imagined how to revive science in Europe. By pooling the resources of…

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